Building a bookshelf from recycled pallets

Project bookshelf was inspired as books began to clutter high against the walls.  When you trip on one and fold the cover page in half you know your life is a literary mess.  A bookshelf at Ikea is $80 minimum for the size we wanted, and that’s for particle board, laminated paneling, and no love whatsoever.  And…

From Financial Responsibility to Financial Freedom

OK, the title might be halfway misleading, if you assumed we have now torn ourselves away from the shackles of fiscal obligation, and have naught to do but sip from our wheat grass patch as we watch our neighbors go to work every morning.  We’re not there yet, nor do we expect to choose that lifestyle anytime…

Expanding Your Garden

People can get pretty creative with how they arrange a garden in a backyard with limited space.  Many adopt some variant of square foot gardening, companion gardening, or running vertical pallets along the fence-line.  For us?  We decided the less lawn the better.  And that more plants and produce were a perfectly sound way to…